Here are some additional spreads for doing Inner child work
Before working with your inner child, ask your cards: “What does my inner child need?” After you are done, ask: “How does my inner child feel now?”
From the Embroidered Forest
From Emerald Lotus Divination
Using the Pages as significators, choose one that represents your inner child: (from Card 1: This card represents the environment in which your inner child grew up. This is an important card, as it is not emotionally invested in your personal memories. It simply lets you know what energy surrounded you at the time your page archetype was developing. Card 2: This card represents what was missing while your page was growing. More to the point, it reveals what your inner child feels it missed out on. This card reveals wounds or issues that may still need some healing work. Card 3: This card represents what kind of environment your inner child craves. Note that this may not always be constructive energy, so please don’t be dismayed if a not-so-friendly card shows up in this position. In many ways, this card can shed light on self-destructive behaviors or inner triggers. If it is a positive and constructive card, that is fabulous. Above all, know that there is no wrong or right card in this position Card 4: This card represents how best to harness your inner child energy moving forward. This card also gives you hints and clues for empowering your inner child if it feels shy or timid as well as how you might cool it off if it is somewhat reactive.
Shadow Work with the Tarot S2 E1
The Iron Pentacle comes from the Feri tradition. It is a tool of transformation that involves reclaiming ideas that we are often taught are negative which diminishes our personal power.