Much to the dismay of my parents (yes I'm 40) I have delved into the world of tattoos with my first tattoo done after I visited Harry Potter World in Orlando this year - I got the Deathly Hallows symbol. I then got a tarot related tattoo I made using the suits of the tarot. All of these symbols hold a lot of associations and they are also found within the Magician card. The Magician is all about taking action and manifesting your goals and dreams.
I also wanted the sword and the wand to face different directions to represent 'As Above, So Below' which means that what happens in the cosmos, is drawn down like a lighting rod through the Magician and into the material realm. What we think, we can do. What we desire, we can create/manifest. There is always a connection between the various planes of being and life. We can do whatever we put our minds to.