Yesterday my day was made when I received my second tarot certification in the mail! I signed up for the Master Advanced Tarot Certification last July through the Tarot Readers Academy. We work through 8 weeks of calls and then there is homework for each module we cover. I was able to finish all my homework in January this year with the help of many of you who allowed me to give you readings based on what I had been learning. I am proud of myself for finishing this course and can add this certificate to my wall.
If you are interested in taking any tarot certification courses I HIGHLY recommend any of the ones taught through the Tarot Readers Academy as Ethony supplies you with SO MANY resources and the homework is both challenging and fun. I have also been able to meet like minded people throughout these lessons and create friendships as a result. Certification is not necessary but I decided to pursue this path because I wanted to challenge myself and because I look at tarot as a life-long learning process I always want to learn more.
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