In last weekend's Sage Wind Tarot Circle, we were discussing Shadow Work. While reading The Witch's Eight Paths of Power (also a Sage Wind Temple discussion group) we went over the Iron Pentacle. I really liked the concept. Later one we learned about the Rust and Gilded Pentacles which emerge when fear prevents you from manifesting iron. I made these spreads to help you work through some of the points. I hope you find them useful in your shadow working. Iron PentacleThe Iron Pentacle comes from the Feri tradition. It is a tool of transformation that involves reclaiming ideas that we are often taught are negative which diminishes our personal power. Rusted PentacleThe Rust Pentacle is the decayed and demeaned reflection of the Iron Pentacle. The Iron Pentacle rusts when our flight response is triggered and instead of dealing with issues we run from them. Gilded PentacleThe Gilded Pentacle is the opposite BUT it is also based in fear (aggressive fear rather than passive). The Gilded Pentacle is more like fool’s gold rather than real gold. It is a false coating that hides the rust beneath. This is the fight response to fear. Nyx Tarot Spread for Shadow Work from The Muses of Tarot Deck by Ethony
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